One of our ardent & enthusiastic lover and benefactor of Yoga, Udayanath Malik would like to share us the followings:
From the Desk of the Yoga Teacher (ASCI-Hyderabad)
Please note the following diet control chart and derive the direct benefits:
(Early to bed and early to raise- do not worry be happy-Drink more water)
Good morning:
AA) Around 6.00 am on empty stomach, take one Teaspoon of Methi+Ajwain+Kalazeera powder (Mixture to be prepared at right proportion as was already advised, samples shown) with full glass of water. You may chew the powder and then drink water. (Fifteen to twenty minutes later you may go for Yoga/exercises etc)
BB)At 7.30am breakfast: Have 3 to 4nos Rotis with vegetables and two boiled eggs (if u like). You may have other breakfast menu that suits you better.
CC) At 10.00am you can have one apple.
DD) At 12.00noon take one glass of Barley water
EE) At 1.00pm Launch time: 2 chapattis+ curries as u feel (veg+nonveg) (Drink sufficient water after 30minutes of meals, avoid drinking water between the meals)
FF) At 3.30pm take two biscuits (high fiber less sugar)
GG) At 5.00pm take 2 medium cucumbers or any fruit u like to suit yr taste
HH) At 7.00pm take one glass of toned milk mixed with one table spoon of Flaxi powder (sample already shown/explained)
II)Preferably at 8.30pm take dinner (one to two rotis + boiled (steaming is better, if you do not have steamer possibly buy the “Maharaja” brand steamer) two carrots and beans + 4 cloves of garlic and curry of your choice. You may avoid curd and cucumber in your dinner menu unless u have strong apetite.
JJ) At 10.00pm go to bed tension free after taking one table spoon of heaved ‘Isabgul’ and drink sufficient water(if u hv digestion problem).
-:Good night:-
N.B. Above instructions are compiled without legal binding and hence does not warranty the safety and health issues for any claims. This publication is for standard reference only for the authors personal use. The follower may accept the above diet control plan at his/her own confidence and risk.
A few pictures taken on a very fresh Hyderabadi morning
Look at Yoga working wonders on some of most unfit bodies!!! |
Yoga Teacher Jasmine & her most regular student Satine |
Smiles at last after the one month long yoga ended |